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Apple is trying to use Samsung Periscope lens for iPhone camera

 Just a short time after Apple announced the iPhone 12 series, which saw the launch of 4 copies, reports began talking about the upcoming iPhone 13 series over the next year. Initial reports indicate that Apple intends to use Samsung's Periscope magnifying glass in its phones

Samsung has developed Periscope technology with a zoom capacity of up to 100 times and launched it with its flagship phones this year, making it the most powerful telephoto camera on the market. Therefore, it is very possible to see a new cooperation between the Korean company and Apple this year, as it is the main supplier of iPhone screens and other parts.

Despite the distinction of iPhone phone cameras and its position among the best phone cameras, Apple did not previously give much attention to the features of close-up and focused on the accuracy of natural images, but we may see it take a different curve this time and begin to provide a camera with high zoom capabilities for its audience

In all, rounding up to 50 or 100 times is rarely used despite its presence in Samsung, Huawei, Xiaomi and other phones, so if there is cooperation between Apple and Samsung, it may be for 10 or 15 times less zoom lenses.

It is noteworthy that there is no sure news about the signing of an agreement between the two parties, but as we say, there is no smoke without fire, especially with the reliable news source DigiTimes. And we may see the agreement soon, especially if Apple relies again on Samsung to supply OLED screens for the iPhone 13 series.


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مدونة لتقنية و المعلوميات المختصة في مجال التكنلوجيا و التقنيات و كل ما يخص اجهزة الإستقبال و الهواتف الذكية و الحواسيب ،نقدم لكم دروس و حلقات على هذه المدونة و قناتنا على اليوتيوب ،أنا توفيق الفارسي ' الذي يحيكم و يشجعكم على الزيارة الدائمة و الإشتراك في موقعنا لتتوصل بكل جديد


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